Implementation of EGovernance Services

One of the primary objectives of Chandigarh under its smart city mission is to enhance the improve efficiency of municipal services and promote a better quality of life for residents. In order to achieve these objectives, Chandigarh desires to foster the development of a smart ecosystem that supports digital applications and ensures seamless steady state operations and real time tracking of services and vital city metrics throughout the city and in government departments.

The overall objective of this component is to improve interaction between the city administration and residents and other city dwellers, with an overarching objective of making urban services more accessible for all providing access through multiple channels e.g., web platform, citizen facilitation centres(E-sampark), Mobile Application, etc. Key objectives of this module include:

  • Establishing a digital platform for government and citizen interaction.
  • Improving the quality of services offered to local citizens and bring up the service levels.
  • Improving the internal management of the agencies providing citizen services.
  • Promoting administrative functions to be carried over online.
  • Engage citizens in the process of Governance through interaction.
  • Empower citizens through access to knowledge and information and make the working of the government more efficient and effective.
  • Enhanced transparency, convenience and empowerment; less corruption; revenue growth; and cost reduction.

Project Scope of Work

  • Requirement Analysis & Gap Identification
  • Design & Development of CSCL web portal(Multilingual).
  • Design & Development of Back Office System & E-governance services
  • Data Centre and Disaster Recovery on Cloud.
  • Development of the Hybrid Mobile Apps
  • Data Migration and Digitization
  • Testing and Acceptance Phase
  • Training & Capacity Building
  • Operations, Support and maintenance for 5 Years from Go live
  • Handholding
  • MIS Reports
  • Integration of services
  • Integration with ICCC (Future requirements)

Implementing Agency: M/s PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt Ltd

Contract Date: 16.10.2019

Project Cost: 11.48 Cr
  • Capex: 5.33 Cr
  • Opex: 6.15 Cr
Status:Work Completed
Date of completion:08.06.2021